In a meeting with NEU Pharmacy English Preparatory School students, education at the Faculty of Pharmacy, preparation of classes, and the importance of education they receive at the English Preparatory School were emphasized.

Prof. Dr. Şahan Saygı, a member of the Faculty of Pharmacy, introduced the Faculty of Pharmacy to the students in the seminar jointly organized by NEU English and Preparatory School and the Faculty of Pharmacy.

The importance of learning in English and education gained during the preparation year at NEU English Preparatory School was emphasized by Dr. İlker Gelişen, a member of the Faculty of Pharmacy,  via a lecture given in English.

Yasemin Dağhan, a sophomore at the Faculty of Pharmacy, explained what she did in order to be successful in the first year under the light of this information.

Students were advised to come to the Faculty whenever they had the chance to attend classes, which can make them more successful next year.

Dr. Gelişen emphasized that the benefits of these introductory seminars, which first started last year, are observed this year.  They will continue to be held at the Faculty of Pharmacy every year, Dr. Gelişen said.